Success Story

System2pay | The future of secure unattended payments

Wireless Logic supports System2pay by providing SIMs for unattended payment solutions, across a wide range of merchants and use cases.

System2Pay uses Wireless Logic SIMs for unattended payment solutions

System2pay is a technology-based company specialising in the development of software solutions for cashless payments. The Spanish company has an increasing focus on payment and control systems for unattended points of sale. Born from the merger of Vending Systemberri and Recalpres, they seek to respond to the evolving needs of consumers. In a world where banknotes and coins are disappearing from wallets and technological solutions for secure payments are increasingly necessary.

System2pay’s solutions enhance digital Transactions

The digital environment is an enabler of a growing number of applications that make life easier for consumers. Time constraints demand agile transactions and retailers are looking for solutions that enhance their customers’ shopping experience. But the nature of networks means that greater attention needs to be paid to the security of devices and software. In support of its technological prowess System2pay’s solutions are certified with the Redsys platform and devices from Ingenico and Castles.

This allows the company to develop customised unattended payment solutions, sustainable over time and scalable according to market evolution. Suitable for an endless range of businesses, such as car wash services, launderettes, lockers, donations, vending machines or charging points for electric vehicles. Its control and management platform allows its customers to have real-time data, activate devices remotely, keep track of cash and have access to statistics and sales reports.

The need for resilient connectivity in unattended payment solutions

Digital retail payment solutions depend on secure and resilient connectivity.  Especially with more connected devices and unattended payment solutions being deployed across all types of industries and locations. That’s why having an IoT connectivity partner with a robust, secure and redundant infrastructure is critical for a company like System2pay to deploy its solutions with confidence.

Having inadequate connectivity carries a number of risks that many retail businesses cannot afford, such as:


An interruption of the payment service may result in the loss of transactions, especially where there is no alternative cash payment option.


There is a risk of exposure of private data without cyber-secure connectivity solutions.

Shopping experience

If the data transmission speed is too slow and inefficient, it can negatively affect user satisfaction.


Failure to have solutions that comply with current regulations in terms of redundancy and security may result in sanctions.


Some retailers have expansion plans that include rurual locations. The right connectivity infrastructure in place to cover all outlets is key.

IoT Security for Unwavering Data Protection

For sensitive applications like payment terminals and personal payment information, prioritising security becomes paramount for System2pay and its retail customers. The integrity of the entire data transfer process, including the necessary connectivity, is crucial to ensuring secure transactions.

Handling extremely sensitive data requires careful attention, necessitating secure channels. System2pay, recognising the importance of shielding their systems from cyber threats, sought a connectivity provider operating under a robust IoT security framework. This approach enables swift and efficient application of cyber security best practices, encompassing aspects like private IPs, certificate renewals, and redundant infrastructure, with the necessary resources to uphold network, device, data, and application security.

Upholding trust

The perception of this security profoundly influences customer trust in the solution, translating to continued patronage of the merchant’s products and services. Wireless Logic, aligning with strict security standards such as IoT SAFE, boasts a solid infrastructure deployed across various European regions, connecting over twelve million devices—an undeniable testament to its robustness and competence.

Wireless Logic's cellular connectivity key to its deployment of payment solutions

Wireless Logic’s cellular connectivity enables System2pay to offer its customers plug & play solutions. These are capable of connecting to the network wherever they are deployed, without the need for specific network implementations or cabling. A secure and resilient network infrastructure in a connectivity partner facilitates the safe implementation of solutions across a growing array of payment devices, especially as unattended point-of-sale (POS) and contactless terminals gain popularity.

A connectivity partner with a track record of more than twenty years in IoT instills confidence. The incredible work of System2pay’s technical team, designing customised solutions and obtaining key certifications in the payments ecosystem, places the company at the forefront of the sector.

After years of working with Wireless Logic, we are confident that our devices are securely connected and our customers' transactions are properly protected and secured.

Adria Guerrero,
General Manager at System2pay
Wireless Logic

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